
A glimpse into my head

(Update: the calendar isn't for sale anymore.)

If you're friends with me on Facebook, or follow my fan page, you probably know I designed a Christian calendar for 2014. Were you wondering how and why this calendar came about? So glad you asked.

My sister is the CEO of Selah, a non-profit that helps women (and the men in their lives) take a moment to assess their unexpected pregnancy. Last year I created a calendar specifically for this organization and helped buy some so that they could give to their donors and sell to raise funds.

The 2013 calendar was well received, and Selah sold out. This year, I wanted to try to sell some on my own, as well as donate calendars to Selah for their fund raising needs.

As those that have purchased the 2014 calendar know, this image/verse combination is what got me started on the idea.

After putting together a few images with verses that all had to do with being "in Christ", a friend suggested I make a calendar. I took her up on her challenge.

Finding 12 images and 12 verses was not easy. As a Christian artist, I wanted more than just a pretty picture with a random verse. I've seen too many of those types of calendars (I'm sure you have, too.) In my mind, the only reason you would combine a verse and a picture is if they were somehow connected. I wanted the pictures to help support the verses, not distract from the message I picked. This was the hardest part of the entire process because I chose pictures out of what I already had taken (with the exception of one), and finding a picture to represent a theological idea was downright hard.

My husband, a seminary graduate, translated the verses from Greek. To be honest, my main reason was to not have to ask a publishing company for permission to use their version of the Bible. But after the fact, I'm so glad I did. His translations gave me further insight into what each verse says about who we are in Christ. The one that speaks more to this is this image:

Most translations say forgive as God forgave you (or a variation of that.) The thing is, in Greek, the words that are translated as "forgive" and "forgave" are words for "grace". English doesn't use grace as a verb, so I can understand why translators would choose the word forgive. Forgiveness is one of the aspects of grace. When someone has our favor we will be quick to forgive their offenses towards us.

In Christ, God pours out His grace. We are in union with Christ when we have accepted Christ's sacrifice for our sins. That means that when God the Father looks on us He sees Christ and His righteousness. God the Father and God the Son enjoy a perfect relationship, and we reap the benefits of that only by grace--unmerited favor.

Let that truth sink in, and then read this again:
Toward each other be benevolent, favorably disposed, gracing one another in the same manner that even God Himself graced you in Christ.

In the same manner.
"I got them yesterday, and they are beautiful! I love that you included a description of the photo/verse for each month, and the format is perfect. I majored in Greek/Hebrew, and I really like your husband's translations. I am going to be extra careful shipping them to family for Christmas, because the front and back are a little lightweight. But I don't think that will be a problem at all once they get to their destinations. Thanks again - you made my Christmas shopping much easier. And I'm looking forward to the constant reminders of who I am in Christ throughout the next year!"

"...got your calendar in the mail. Beautiful! Thank you! I'm going to frame the picture on the card, too. Love it." 

"Just got my calendars. It was like opening a box of chocolates. Enjoyed the pix & verses."

"Those are great translations! He (Chris Lovelace) really nailed it." (by someone with a doctorate in ancient languages)   

"I am going to hang one in my classroom and L is going to put one up at work. We were hoping to do exactly what one of your post talked about - be a witness through the incredible art. Thank you!" 

"I LOVE the calendars!!! They are beautiful and I especially love the note you wrote with each picture describing it and telling where you took it! The verses are wonderful and absolutely appropriate!! Thank you for your time and effort that went into these!" 

"Dear Mrs. Lovelace,
I received my shipment of calendars yesterday and quickly opened the box with heightened expectations. I was thrilled when I looked through the calendar. The pictures were beautiful and of a very professional quality. The scripture verses were so appropriate to both the picture and the month. I appreciated the personal touch in each month to see where the photo was taken and your feelings on the verse. I am currently deciding how many more I need to order, because I know a lot of my friends and church family will love the calendar." 

(Even Ann Voskamp loved it!)
"Your pictures are exquisite and the text for each photo takes my breath away.
Jesus shines through your art, Elizabeth. I am deeply moved by your testimony and radiance. Jesus just shining through everywhere."  

Gifts 762 - 817 // Obsequios 762 - 817

762            Heavy, wet snow on a Monday //  nieve pesada y mojada para un lunes
763           Random “I love you, mommy’s” I hear off and on // los “te quiero” que oigo de a ratos
764            Fitting into smaller clothes // ropa más pequeña que me entra
765            Making things clean // hacer el lugar más limpio
766           Learning to see Jesus in the hard and ugly times // aprender a ver a Jesús en los tiempos duros y difíciles
767            Books read to little girls at the library // libros leídos a dos nenas en la biblioteca
768            Being Alex’s and Max’s mommy // ser la mamá de Alex y Maxi
769            Clear teaching from James’ epistle // enseñanza clara de la epistola de Santiago
770            Worshipping with believers // adorar con otros creyentes
771            Suffering with friends // sufrir con amigos
772            Knowing that God is big enough to take our anger and questions // saber que Dios es suficientemente grande para que le llevemos nuestro enojo y nuestras preguntas
773           The promises of peace in conflict and joy in pain // las promesas de paz en conflicto y gozo en dolor
774            Little girls praying for snow // Dos nenas orando por nieve

775            Little girls getting snow // Dos nenas recibiendo nieve
776            Little girls playing in snow // Dos nenas jugando en la nieve
777           Being told that I am my daughter’s best friend // que me digan que soy la mejor amiga de  mi hija
778            Alex asking for more kisses // Alex pidiendo más besos
779            Praying with believers from different churches and denominations // orando con creyentes de diferente iglesias y denominaciones
780            Seeing God’s hand on a ministry // ver la mano de Dios sobre un ministerio
781            Seeing my art blend with Scripture // ver mi arte amalgamarse con la escrituras
782            A night of blessing as life is celebrated // una noche de bendición al celebrar la vida
783            Being move to pray specifically // ser movida a orar especificamente
784           Celebrating life with my camera // celebrar la vida con mi cámara
785            A good deal on my dream camera // una buena oferta para la cámara de mis sueños
 786            Sharing truth with sisters // compartir verdad con hermanas
788            Worshipping with my church family // adorar con mi familia de la iglesia
789            A good sermon // un buen sermón
790            Conviction of sin // convicción de pecado
791            Receiving forgiveness // recibir perdón
792            Generous gifts // obsequios generosos
793            Hearing about God’s plan for all people from the Old Testament // Oir del plan de Dios para todas las personas desde el Antiguo Testamento
794           Family fun with the Wii // diversión en familia con el Wii
795            Sunshine for autumn walks // sol para las caminatas otoñales
796            Meeting a missionary to a place I had never heard of // conocer un misionero a un lugar que nunca había conocido
797           Losing a lot of weight in one week // perder mucho peso en una semana
798            The encouragement to keep trying // el ánimo para seguir intentando
799           Being encouraged to try new things // ser animada a intentar cosas nuevas
801           My niece asking me to put music on so she could dance // mi sobrina pidiéndome que le ponga música para bailar
802           The innocence of little girls // la inocencia de las nenas
803           Abundance of food // abundancia de comida
804           Eating dinner with Matt (via Skype) // cenar con Mateo (por Skype)
805           Hospitable friends // amigos hospitalarios
806           My husband’s second opportunity to go to Nigeria to assist in Bible translation // la segunda oportunidad para mi marido para ayudar con la traducción de la Biblia
807           Homemade scones // escones caseros
808            A new water bottle // una nueva botella para agua
810            The painful realization that I choose whether to live in someone else’s shadow or in the shadow of the cross // con dolor darme cuenta que soy yo quien decide vivir en la sombra de otra persona o en la sombra de la cruz
811            Katie Davis’s post  // este blog de Katie Davis
812            Clinging to hope not despair // aferrarme de esperanza no desesperación
813            My sister-in-law being in labor // mi cuñada en trabajo de parto
814           Being able to help my mother-in-law // poder ayudar a mi suegra
815            Knowing that God works all to his will // saber que Dios obra todo para su voluntad
816            Boots // botas
817           My sister’s hand-me-downs // la ropa que me pasó mi hermana


Gifts 706 - 761 // Obsequios 706 - 761

706       encouraging others with what encourages me // animar a otros con lo que me anima a mí
707       glory and grace seen in rocks // gloria y gracia que se ven en piedras
708       a wonderful walk with my sister // una caminata hermosa con mi hermana
709       another time of blessing with sisters // otro tiempo de bendición con hermanas
710        abundance of the earth's goodness // abundancia de la ricura de la tierra

711        pomegranate and chocolate recipes // recetas con chocolate y granada
712        clean water to shower with // agua limpia para bañarme
713        a Saturday morning to play with Alex // una sábado de mañana para jugar con Alex
714        I Peter 1:10 - Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care.--their future grace is my present grace. // 
1a Pedro 1:10 --  Los profetas, que anunciaron la gracia reservada para ustedes, estudiaron y observaron esta salvación.--su gracia futura es mi gracia presente
715        the book of Job // el libro de Job
716        thankful that rejoicing and grieving can be done together -- I Peter 1:6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. // agradecida que podemos regocijar y sufriar a la vez -- 1a Pedro 1:6 Esto es para ustedes motivo de gran alegría, a pesar de que hasta ahora han tenido que sufrir diversas pruebas por un tiempo.
717        I Peter 1:13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.--Future grace! // 1a Pedro 1:13 Por eso, dispónganse para actuar con inteligencia; tengan dominio propio; pongan su esperanza completamente en la gracia que se les dará cuando se revele Jesucristo.-- ¡Gracia futura! 
718        Psalm 119:71 -- It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.--Affliction is a gfit. // Salmo 119:71-- Me hizo bien haber sido afligido, porque así llegué a conocer tus decretos.--La aflicción es un regalo.
719        3.6 lbs lost // 1,6 kilos perdidos
720       birthday breakfast treat // algo rico para el desayuno de mi cumpleaños
721        special words to celebrate my birthday // palabras especiales para celebrar mi cumpleaños
722        birthday greetings from all over the world // saludos de cumpleaños de todo el mundo
724        special food // comida especial
725        a lovely chocolate and pomegranate tart made for me // una hermosa tarta de chocolate y granada hecha para mí
726        little girls being funny // nenas siendo graciosas
727       sweet peaches // duraznos dulces
728        the slowly changing tapestry of our maker // el tapiz cambiante de nuestro hacedor
729        seeing, again, that Max's life meant something // ver, otra vez, que la vida de Maxi significó algo
730       bird shadows // sombras de un pájaro
731        the gold of fall // el dorado del otoño
732        being the gift of pictures for a young mommy // ser el regalo de fotos para una mamá joven
733        knowing that the best way I can help is pray, whether near or far // saber que la mejor manera que puedo ayudar es orando, sea de cerca o lejos 
734        lovely guacamole // buen guacamole
735            Hearing of the grace, beauty and pain of an adoption story // oir de la gracia, hermosura y dolor de una historia de adopción
736            Hearing of God’s grace and growth in my sister’s life // Oir de la gracia de Dios y el crecimiento en la vida de mi hermana
737           Snow to play in // nieve para jugar
738            Job’s human honesty // La honestidad humana de Job
739            Accountability to make healthy choices // tener a quien dar cuentas para tomar decisiones sanas
740           Singing with my sister // cantar con mi hermana
741            Insurance to fix Alex’s teeth // obra social para arreglar los dientes de Alex
742            A kind dentist // un dentista amable
743            Laughing with family // reírnos en familia
744            Peeling a case of pomegranates together // pelar una caja de granadas juntos
745            A fixed car // un auto arreglado
746            A brother-in-law who can fix cars and computers // un cuñado que puede arreglar autos y computadoras
747           A blue bird drinking melted snow // un pájaro celeste tomando nieve derretida
748            Fall colors on the mountain // colores otoñales en la montaña
749            A treadmill on a snowy day // una cinta-sin-fin para los días de nieve
750           The Bible on cd on a trip // la Biblia en CD para un viaje
751            A chance to see Kristi // una oportunidad para ver a Kristi
752            Snow capped mountains // montañas coronadas de nieve
753            Hearing stories of grace from France // oir historias de gracia de Francia
754            Sharing laughter and hurt with a friend // compartir risa y dolor con una amiga
755            A safe trip // un viaje seguro
756            A gift brought from afar // un regalo traido de lejos
757           A gym pass //un pase para el gimansio
758            A delicious blueberry-cherry dessert // un postre delicioso de arándano y cerezas
759            Repeating truth for myself and others // repetir verdad para mí y otros
761            More progress in losing weight // más progreso en perder kilos